When the necessary information is not covered by the scope of services offered by Info-Excavation/Ontario One Call or you want more accurate information for finding utility.

Whenever you are about to dig be sure to contact a reliable underground utility locating service. We can locate infrastructure in the public  and/or private grounds. Info-Excavation services do not extend to schools, hospitals, factories, etc., or for commercial and residential properties.

Scan Plus uses a wide range of equipment and location methods. Our current practice is to use two methods that are Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and radio detection to check the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a location, which ensures much higher levels of accuracy.

Locating subsurface utilities is our core business. Scan Plus can not only tell you where the infrastructure is located, but also how deep they are buried. This is particularly important when it comes to digging or where the obstacles are still unknown.

Why take a risk?

We Locate Underground Utilities including:

  • Electrical wires or cables
  • Telecommunication cables
  • Underwater metallic pipes
  • Buried utilities
  • Buried infrastructure
  • Plastic Conduits (with or without tracing wire).
  • Fiber optic (with or without tracing wire).
  • Copper pipes and cables
  • Sewer pipes
  • PVC pipes
  • Utility lines
  • Natural Gas lines
  • Slab Scan to detect non-metallic conduits

Cable Locating Devices

Humidity detectors are simple to use, but they do not respond to uncharged or direct current cables and may not detect lightly charged low voltage cables (such as those used for street lighting) or well-balanced high voltage cables. The various devices available require a certain degree of skill to operate and interpret the signals.

However, when used in conjunction with wiring plans, they can save considerable time and lost costs where damage would otherwise have occurred. A locator with a radio frequency detection mode can otherwise detect these cables and should be used as a backup check.

Transmitter/receiver mode is the most accurate and reliable locating underground utilities, but it requires direct access to the cable. This is particularly useful if accurate depth and other measurements are required, and, where possible, this mode should be used.

It should be noted that street lighting cables are not normally energized during the day and therefore may be difficult to locate accurately by electronic means.

scan plus tech

The Risks of Proceeding Without Detection:

Risks of Proceeding Without Detection

The position of all locating underground utilities in or near the proposed work area shall be located as accurately as possible using a locating device, in conjunction with any available cable plans or other appropriate information.

The plans will help the operator using the locator to interpret the signal and the operator using the locator to interpret the signal, and to give the maximum information to those involved in the before the excavation begins. Do not rely solely on cable locators to detect and locate cables and pipes.

In general, there is little risk in working near underground water lines. Most of the precautions to be taken are more about reducing the cost of damage than eliminating a safety hazard.

However, it should be noted that home dialysis users are at mortal risk if they lose their clean water supply during treatment. However, there are some hazards and the following precautions should be taken:

  • When work is performed next to high-pressure pipes, plans should be obtained from the appropriate local authorities and, if possible, a pipe locator should be used. Safe digging practices should be followed, using hand tools where possible.
  • Concrete thrust blocks may be used in pipe bends. Under no circumstances should the thrust blocks or the soil supporting them be disturbed or undermined, as this may cause a sudden pipe failure.
  • Exposed water mains should be supported if necessary and the correct method of backfilling should be used. For advice, contact the local authority having jurisdiction or the water company.
  • If a water main or its casing is damaged, the appropriate local authorities and the owners of any other locating underground utilities that may be affected should be notified immediately.

Our Clients:

Scan Plus is specialized in locating underground utilities using GPR and radio detection for its clients. We work with contractors, large project managers, engineering firms, residential building owners, etc.

Scan Plus also partners with facility/real estate management groups to ensure quality construction, preserve the integrity of facilities during construction, and promote a safe environment during construction or maintenance for facilities such as hospitals, universities, retail locations, surrounding factories, etc.

Call us or contact us today to discuss your options!